Intertextual Sources: Exploring the meaning of אות

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Intertextual Sources: Exploring the meaning of אות

Exploring the meaning of אות

Is there any difference between the meaning of אות in the following passage and the way it is used in Noah?

  • Read together Shemot 12:13 (God telling the Israelite to mark their door frames during the plagues)
  • Discuss the ways in which this is similar and different from the rainbow. (for example: What is the function of the אות (to show? tell? remind? something else?). Who is doing the actions? Is this to help the Israelites also remember that they will be safe from God’s actions – is this the same as the rainbow?)

Drama Activities: The meaning of אות

  1. Divide into small groups – half the groups will work with the Exodus text (Shemot 12:13) and half the groups with the in the rainbow text – they should create a skit that shows what they think putting the sign up (on the door, in the sky) is about in light of their discussion.
  2. Divide into small groups – create a skit that shows how you understand the rainbow text in light of some of the distinctions you explored in your community of inquiry / in these discussion plans

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