Welcome to Engaging Texts

The Engaging Texts network provides a space where people engaged in the innovative practice of Philosophical Inquiry in Jewish education can learn from one another and develop strategic partnerships across communities throughout North America. Some areas of content are available to members only; we hope you enjoy browsing through our site!

Featured Content

  • Hanuka 2018

    Truth and Meaning in the Hanuka story
    (for Middle and High School students)
    Using Philosophical Inquiry to Explore Question of Truth and meaning in the Hanuka Narrative
    Hanuka is a complex holiday, carrying many messages. Its historic roots are documented in various sources, yet these sources convey different information and explain the rituals of the holiday in different ways.  For many children, the story of Hanuka is interwoven with the ‘miracle of oil’ through a narrative of the victory of the Maccabees over Antiochus’s army. By middle school many students are questioning what to make of this miracle and the ‘truth’ of this historic narrative.   For access to materials and lesson plans, click here

  • Studio 70 workshop at Edah - August

    Studio 70, Edah and Engaging Texts
    Edah, an afterschool community in Berkeley, has been working with Engaging Texts to bring PIJE to their program since 2013. With the birth of Studio 70’s Jewish Learning Innovation Core  two years ago this relationship has now become institutionalized. This August we inducted a new group of JLIC fellows into philosophical inquiry along with providing advanced work in curriculum design for staff and second year Fellows.  “Beginnings” is the opening theme for Edah this year – a fitting topic given Edah has just moved to a new physical location.  Under the guidance of Yafit Megidash, we developed this theme through the lens of PIJE during the workshop. Studio 70 is also a regional hub for a yearly National workshop in PIJE, and Yafit is also now taking PIJE to other schools in the Bay area. If you are interested to know ...

  • NewCAJE in August

    From Sarah’s Laughter to Naomi’s Silence: Experiencing PIJE at NewCAJE
    NewCAJE offered a great opportunity to bring PIJE  (Philosophical Inquiry in Jewish Education) to a wider gathering of Jewish educators over this summer. Jen Glaser (Engaging Texts), Susan Morrel (Hebrew College, Boston)  and Yafit Megadish (Studio 70, Berkeley) joined forces to run four sessions that introduced participants to key aspects of this approach. The first and last sessions engaged participants in inquiries around Biblical texts. The second session: “Beyond the first question” focused on skills of inquiry, while a third offered explored both the ‘theory behind the practice’ of this approach, including videos from the classroom. 59 educators took part in the sessions, several coming back again and again! Read more and access  the resources used in one of the sessions.
    *Photos: Interpretations of Naomi’s Silence in Megilat Ruth


  • Professional Development for the Whole School - JESP in Cleveland

    Bringing the Approach of Engaging Texts to the Whole School:
    Temple Emanu El, Cleveland, OH

    Engaging Texts  partnered with the Professional Development Branch of the JECC to offer a workshops on August 13th 2017 in the Cuyahoga nature reserve for teachers of  Temple Emanu El school and to the regional meeting of NFTY madrichim. The two hour sessions focused on The Art and Power of Questioning. 

  • Pictures and Comments - Hebrew College

    Boston Workshop: Hebrew College July 2017
    Building on last year’s success,  educators headed out to Hebrew College again this July, for a beginner’s workshop in Philosophical Inquiry in Jewish Education. The workshop was a collaborative venture between Hebrew College and Engaging Texts.
    The workshop was followed by an additional day to consult with Education Directors.
    Come back soon to see comments and view pictures from the workshop.

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