Tag Archives: boundaries

Leading Idea: Determining Boundaries

Leading Idea: Determining Boundaries

The selection of text in this Parashah all have to do with ‘setting boundaries’. Boundaries of what is clean/unclean;  what we are responsible for and what we are not; what is part of nature/outside nature; (culturally acceptable) ways to behave / ways not to behave. This discussion plan explores this broader theme of boundaries.

Discussion Plan: Determining Boundaries

Discussion Plan: Determining Boundaries

  1. Does your home have a physical boundary marking where it begins or ends? If so, what is it?
  2. In what ways does your skin mark the boundary to who ‘you’ are?
  3. Does a boundary have to be physical or can it be psychological?
  4. Are rules a kind of boundary? If so, what are they they the boundary between?
  5. Can ideas have boundaries?
  6. Is Kabbalat Shabbat a boundary? If so, what is it the boundary between?
  7. Can families have boundaries?
    • If so, can you name a few?
    • Do families have different kinds of boundaries?
    • If so, can you make a list of the different kinds?
  8. Which of these boundaries are for the sake of other people? Which are for the sake of the shared environment?
  9. What is the point of boundaries? What  functions do they play? (bring sense of order, limit)
  10. Would life be better without boundaries?
  11. When you enter a different country and show your passport, is this the same as crossing a boundary?
  12. Does the imagination have boundaries?
  13. Who is responsible for establishing boundaries?
  14. Who is responsible for making us responsible for keeping them?