From Sarah’s Laughter to Naomi’s Silence: Experiencing PIJE at NewCAJE
NewCAJE offered a great opportunity to bring PIJE (Philosophical Inquiry in Jewish Education) to a wider gathering of Jewish educators over this summer. Jen Glaser (Engaging Texts), Susan Morrel (Hebrew College, Boston) and Yafit Megadish (Studio 70, Berkeley) joined forces to run four sessions that introduced participants to key aspects of this approach. The first and last sessions engaged participants in inquiries around Biblical texts. The second session: “Beyond the first question” focused on skills of inquiry, while a third offered explored both the ‘theory behind the practice’ of this approach, including videos from the classroom. 59 educators took part in the sessions, several coming back again and again! Read more and access the resources used in one of the sessions.
*Photos: Interpretations of Naomi’s Silence in Megilat Ruth
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