These questions were asked by a 5th – 7th grade community of inquiry that meets as part of Kol HaLev’s shabbat morning programming. This inquiry convened October 2014. Question-askers’ names were attributed, but have been removed.
- Why are there no more sea monsters? () A
- Why is the world today different than the new world described? () A | B
- Why is light seen to be good and not darkness? () B
- Why does God see everything He makes as good? () B
- What if God didn’t see everything He made as good? () B
- Did God use trial and error, and not mention / “see as good” the failures? () B
- When God created things, did he eliminate some? () A | B
- Why did God decide life had to eat vegetation? () C
- Why did God create all these diseases? () C
- Why separate ‘water-above’ from ‘water-below’? () C
- (from 4, above) Why did God at first see everything as good, but later many things (cancer, war, ebola) turned out to be bad? () A | B | C