Discussion Plan: Running from, Running to – HS, A

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Discussion Plan: Running from, Running to

  1. When you run away, do your problems run with you?
  2. Is it possible to run away without leaving home?
  3. Is hiding from someone a kind of ‘running away’?
  4. If people know where you are going, are you still running away?
  5. Do we ever have a duty to run away?
  6. Can you ‘run away’ from where you are without moving at all?
  7. Can you ‘go toward’ something without moving at all?
  8. If you are running away from something, are you always running to something else?
  9. If you are running to something, are you always running away from something else?
  10. If you see a friend and run toward them, are you running from anything?
  11. If a parent sees their child and runs toward him/her, are they running from anything?
  12. Can you think of some circumstances when running away would be a sensible thing to do? (if so, what might they be?)
  13. Can you think of some circumstances when running away would be a brave thing to do? (if so, when might that be?)
  14. Can you think of some circumstances when running away would be the wrong thing to do?
  15. Can someone else decide for you that you should run away, or is it only something you can decide for yourself? Why? Why not?

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