Exercise: Journeys

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Exercise: Journeys

This exercise strengthens our reasoning skills by asking us to reason toward the best explanation. If someone sets out with these items (amongst others) on a journey, what might you infer about:

  • Where they might be going;
  • What they might be planning to do;
  • How they plan on getting there.
  1. Sunscreen, thick boots, compass, a water bottle and a back pack with a box of worms
  2. Shorts and T-shirt, a leather jacket, gloves, goggles, a beach towel and book.
  3. A can of gasoline, bottle of water, spare tire, MP3 player, and horse in a trailer
  4. A 50ft rope, pegs, hammer, hard helmet, 4 wheel drive
  5. Iced chocolate cake, change of clothes, a CD wrapped in wrapping paper, train schedule, candles

As a variation, in pairs prepare to tell the story of this journey to the rest of the group.

Returning to the Lech l’cha text – what do we know about what Avram took with him? What might we infer from this about his thoughts about the journey he is making?

